How You Are Encouraging The Gas Cartel At Your Own Disadvantage



With the gas price situation worsening daily, people here in the United States are really anxious to find alternative to fossil fuel, but it appears that all the they can think about is Ethanol, which is now becoming a cause rather than a remedy. Ethanol production has been fingered for being responsible for the ongoing grain scarcity that has hit the world. Ethanol is poised to take food from people, and that would not prick the conscience of the emerging ethanol cartel.

However, one wonders why it seems that Americans are more interested in ethanol and other forms of biofuel when it is clear that these sources will never match demand for gas. It appears that no one is thinking about the consequences of biofuel to the ecosystem.

I don’t know what you might be thinking right now, but let me say that we are not helping matters by joining the Ethanol bandwagon. What? Is it not clear that Ethanol is a future problem? I hear that grains scarcity has already surfaced and ethanol production is responsible.

One wonders why is it that even though people are anxious about their budget and the havoc high gas prices are causing on their tables, they still do not have the courage to test out HHO gas, a very cheap gas additive that your car can produce when converted for under $200.00. To overlook hho gas is to continue suffering the punitive gas prices.

Because a lot of people who are not familiar with the workings of water for gas technology are bad-mouthing it as scam, a lot more people are not even giving the technology any chance at all, even though a lot of other people like me are using water for gas and reaping the benefits.

This scenario is good for the gas cartel and their friends in Governments, for what can be more detestable for them than to see that you can make 70% of your gas need in your own car using just 4 gallons of water and a little quantity of baking powder and electric current from your car battery to drive your car for 365 days.

Jackson Neshah is a skillful researcher and has created a lot of educative articles on information such as HHO Gas Vs. Biofuel On The Impingement Of Biological Diversity If you have had enough of the gasoline exorbitance then take advantage by following the link to save money, improve your engine power and MPG as you run your cars and other engines with HHO gas - water. This article is free if Author bio remains intact.